Of course, if you go through drinking water quickly, larger 5 gallon bottles may be more convenient because you don’t need to change them as often. 3 or 5 gallon bottles: For individuals or small families looking for clean drinking water, 3 gallon bottles may be the ideal size for a water cooler.

We’re certain that whether you choose a Crystal Mountain or Clover water cooler, you’ll be delighted with your selection. They offer innovative features, high performance ratings, and modern styling to complement your home’s design. We have partnered with these companies because we believe they are the highest quality coolers available today. Both of these brands are recognized as worldwide leaders in the water cooler industry. Our cook/cold water coolers are manufactured by Crystal Mountain and Clover. When you choose DrinkMore Water to deliver your cook/cold water cooler, you can customize your selection in various ways. With this service from DrinkMore Water, you’ll never have to lug bottles home from the store again. Optional bottle delivery: Once your dispenser is set up, all you need is a steady stream of purified water delivered straight to your door.Also, since our coolers feature incredible durability and an unrivaled five-year compressor warranty, you don’t have to worry about premature failure or repeat breakdowns. Low maintenance: Nothing more than a simple cleaning once a month is required to keep the unit in good working order.Still, you can purchase a child safety lock if this concerns you. This makes it easy for children to get themselves a glass of water. Just place a cup or cooking pot under the tap, and lift up or push down on the lever to dispense cold or room-temperature water as needed.

This is a brief overview of H2O Wireless and how to get the information you will need if you wish to port your phone number out to a different company.